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Happy Holidays! We’re closing Friday 20th 4pm, and re-opening Monday 6th January.

Crackpots Marine

Crab Drop Nets

Crackpots’ popular crab drop nets are an Octagonal shape.  Built exclusively for us, they are constructed of high quality sapphire netting and heavy duty galvanised steel rings.

Why are Crackpots Crab Nets Octagonal?

The octagonal shape of the net has two advantages. When you pull up your nets alongside a jetty or boat, you don’t have to reach out as far.  This can really save your back.  Plus the edge of the net won’t catch as easily on the gunwhale of your boat and flip your catch out.

Crab Drop Nets

Long Lasting Crab Drop Nets

We know there are cheaper crab nets on the market.  But we can honestly say that these would have to be the best quality crab drop nets on the WA coast.  And they are even a step up from our very popular previous model.

These new improved crabbing nets are slightly larger, but are still in the same famous octagonal shape.  We’ve increased the spec of the netting to a heavier gauge sapphire netting.

We’ve also increased the strength of the welded galvanised steel rings, but kept the popular and distinctive octagonal shape.

The top metal octagonal ring of the net measures 69cm x 69cm (with the corners angled off). While the bottom ring measures a slightly smaller 63cm x 63cm. This means that the sides angle slightly inwards. This helps to keep your crab catch in the drop net when you’re pulling it up.

Each crab net comes supplied with a small EVA float to keep bridle ropes out of the way, plus 5 metres of PP rope.

How much crab rope will I need?

If you’re crabbing in and around the Mandurah estuary, the 5 metres of rope supplied with your net should be enough.  But if you’re heading out into open waters and deeper parts of the Swan river, then you’ll need 20 plus metres of rope per crab pot.

Crab Bait Baskets – which one is right for you?

There are two bait basket options for our crab nets.  The first option is made of moulded plastic, and clips into the base of your drop net. The alternative is to use a wire bait basket and a crab ring to secure it into your drop net.

Black plastic bait baskets are suited to discrete bait while bait pockets can hold larger or awkward baits (heads etc.).  Older and maybe wiser crabbers put the basket on the bottom of the drop net and claim it keeps crabs interested for longer.  You’ll also need a bait clip to attach bait pockets to the bottom of your crabbing net.

Crab Drop Net bait baskets

What is the best bait for catching crabs?

Popular (and successful) crab baits include fresh fish, fish frames (skeletons) and heads, chicken necks, beef pancreas or liver.  You can even use dog biscuits at a pinch, particularly if you are travelling and don’t have a means of keeping bait cold or frozen.

Crab Gauges – Essential for Every Regulation Crabber

We stock two different types of crab gauges – one plastic & one stainless steel.  Both will do the job, but what’s important is that you have a gauge with you and know how to use it to make sure your catch is of legal size before you drop your crab nets.

What size rope is best?

What is the best diameter rope for pulling in crab drop nets?  We supply a 5m length of 5mm rope with each drop net. This is the size of rope most commonly used with crab pots.  But if you have soft hands or are pulling long lines, then 6mm thick rope may be a better option, as it is easier to grip.

What sort of floats do I need?

Always check with WA Fisheries to make sure your gear is compliant, but we have a range of dog bone floats that work well with crab drop nets.  Made from polystyrene, there are two sizes to choose from & they will hold 5 and 15 meters of rope respectively.

How many drop nets can I fish with?

Current regulations say that you can have 10 crab drop nets per boat but we always recommend checking with WA Fisheries or Rec Fish for the most up to date regulations.

Keep up with current crabbing rules and regs.

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