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Crackpots Marine
Marine Research Custom Equipment
Crackpots specialises in the design & manufacture of custom, specialised or unusual equipment for both marine and environmental research. Over the past couple of years we’ve made a wide variety of custom nets, pots, traps, float lines, harnesses and slings!
We’ve been involved in a really diverse range of projects; and enjoyed the opportunity to design, source and fabricate cool gear. We’ve worked with everyone from Not for profits to corporates.
They draw on our experience in net building, pot & trap building, as well as being able to access our deep and varied stock holdings.
Here’s a sample of the projects we’ve been involved with. While we can’t always give all of the details project or the organisation, or even share photos; it will give you an idea of the breadth of projects we can assist with.
Not for Profits
Organisations like the Nature Conservancy are doing great work in engaging communities to rehabilitate their waterways. We supplied custom designed nets for use in their shellfish reef restoration project in the Peel-Harvey Estuary
The Vasse River in Busselton has a large carp population and OzFish wanted to target catch & removal of this invasive species as a part of their river restoration efforts. We built large custom carp traps to help with the project.
Not for Profits
Organisations like the Nature Conservancy are doing great work in engaging communities to rehabilitate their waterways. We supplied custom designed nets for use in their shellfish reef restoration project in the Peel-Harvey Estuary
The Vasse River in Busselton has a large carp population and OzFish wanted to target catch & removal of this invasive species as a part of their river restoration efforts. We built large custom carp traps to help with the project.

Government Departments
We’ve worked with the staff from both DBCA and DPIRD on projects that have required customised and specialist items. Most recently we’ve assisted with designing specialist shellfish traps that will be used in research in the snow crab fishery.
Universities and Research Institutes
We are lucky to have exceptional marine focussed researchers in Australia, based at our universities and marine research institutes. Institutions like AIMS (Australian Institute of Marine Science), Harry Butler Institute, James Cook University, Murdoch University and UWA.
We work with researchers from all of these places. Supplying them with what they need for projects. This can include turtle harnesses for attaching tracking devices, to slings for weighing turtles; to acoustic receiver rigs.

Universities and Research Institutes
We are lucky to have exceptional marine focussed researchers in Australia, based at our universities and marine research institutes. Institutions like AIMS (Australian Institute of Marine Science), Harry Butler Institute, James Cook University, Murdoch University and UWA.
We work with researchers from all of these places. Supplying them with what they need for projects. This can include turtle harnesses for attaching tracking devices, to slings for weighing turtles; to acoustic receiver rigs.
Engineering and Environmental Consultancy firms have come to us when they need a custom solution. Recently that’s included custom weighted pots for use in under sea surveying.
Enquire Now
If you have a requirement for something that’s a bit unusual, specialist or custom, give us a call or email us & we’ll do our best to assist.