Home » Cray Bait
Crackpots Marine
Cray Bait
We stock & sell Crayfish bait in bulk and by the 2kg & 5kg bags.
Call us on 9337 2211 to check exactly what cray bait we’ve got in the freezer as it sells fast - but as a general rule we’ll have the following bait available:
- Hoki Heads – by the 20kg box and by the 5kg bag.
- Blue Mack – by the 20kg and 25kg boxes
- Tuna Heads – by the 20kg box and by the 2kg & 5kg bag
To check stock availability, please call 08 9337 2211.
Orange Roughy is very popular but not always in stock, so definitely call and double check availability. Generally, Roughy will only be available in 20kg boxes.
Every fisho, reccy or professional, has their own theories on the best cray bait to use. But there are a few golden tips that are worthwhile repeating:
Keep your bait fresh
Some people recommend using a mix of oily bait and holding bait.
Hoki is an oily fish. So too is blue mackerel. They are red fleshed, bloody & have a high oil content that will attract the crays.
Orange Roughy makes a great holding bait for crays because the frames have a high concentration of calcium. This means it will last longer in your bait baskets.
So the ideal might be a mix of hoki and orange roughy or blue mack and orange roughy! But we know every crayfisherman has their own opinions, so stick with what’s working for you!
All of our crayfish bait is sold frozen. If you are wondering which bait will catch the most crays, have a read of our blog.
We are open 8 – 4pm Monday to Friday and Saturday morning 9 – 12pm when the whites are running